| 1. | The rest of the infantry pressed together into a funnel shape at the entrance of the bridge , and hastily marched across it 其余的步兵呈漏斗形挤缩在桥头,急急忙忙地过桥。 |
| 2. | On all sides they heard the footsteps and the chatter of the infantry going and coming and settling themselves round them 从四面传来步行者骑行者和在四周驻扎的步兵的脚步声和说话声。 |
| 3. | Give the infantry a turn ! another added with a chuckle , as the grenade flew across and fell among the ranks of the infantry 另一个士兵观察到炮弹飞过去,落到掩护的部队里,哈哈地笑着又说。 |
| 4. | On account of a mutinous disposition among the infantry soldiers , the artillery park was formed on an elevation commanding the camp of the infantry 由于步兵有叛变的倾向,战炮队营地设在一处俯瞰步兵营业员房的高地上。 |
| 5. | On the 11th of october 1805 , one of the infantry regiments that had just reached braunau had halted half a mile from the town , awaiting the inspection of the commander - in - chief 一八五年十月十一日,刚刚抵达布劳瑙的步兵团在离城市半英里处扎营,听候总司令检阅军队。 |
| 6. | After that a drum was heard in the ranks of the infantry , more to the right of the battery , and shouts gave the word of command , and from the battery they could see the ranks of infantry moving forward 接着从炮垒右方步兵队伍中,可以听见擂鼓和发口令的声音,从炮垒上可以看见那些步兵正在向前移动。 |
| 7. | You will answer for it , shouted berg , who was now assistant to the head of the staff of the assistant of the chief officer of the staff of the commander of the left flank of the infantry of the first army , a very agreeable and prominent position , so berg said 这意味着什么?您要负责! ”贝格叫嚷着,他现在是第一军步兵左翼司令官的副参谋长,正如贝格所说,这是一个显然很称心的美差。 |